San Onofre Recreation Beach
San Onofre Recreation Beach
**Reservations at San Onofre Beach do not confer access to the installation. All individuals are solely responsible for acquiring the necessary clearance to enter the installation**
Please read the Privacy Impact Statement at the bottom of this page prior to completing the reservation.
Fun, adventure and relaxation await you at San Onofre Beach. San Onofre Beach overlooks the beautiful Pacific Ocean and is located in Southern California on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.
San Onofre is the birth place of the California Beach Culture and San Onofre Beach offers access to several surf breaks ranging from beginners to premiere surf breaks. Enjoy Trestles, Church, Surf Beach and Trails – all located within short walking or paddling from San Onofre Beach.
Enjoy the cool Pacific breeze while you relax in one of San Onofre Beach’s one, two or three bedroom cottages. The RV Park and Campground offers an number of site type from primitive campsites to full hookups with 30/50 amp connections. Overlooking the beach, the RV Park is perfect for enjoying the beauty of the Southern California sunsets.
Before making your reservation, please view the Terms and Conditions to view our Lodging Guest Eligibility Policy carefully. If you do not qualify to stay at San Onofre Beach, you will not be allowed to check in upon arrival.
Privacy Act Statement and Agency Disclosure Notice for
Marine Corps Official and Recreational Lodging Programs
The public reporting burden for this collection of information, OMB Control Number 0712-0001, is estimated to average 7 minutes as appropriate per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at whs.mc-alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-collections@mail.mil. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 5013; 10 U.S.C. 5041; DoDI 1015.11; DoDI 1015.10; MCO 1700.30; and SORN N04066-4.
PURPOSE: Information will be accessed by Marine Corps Lodging personnel with a need-to-know to manage and administer lodging reservations, accommodations, sales transactions, and service activities.
ROUTINE USES: Information may be disclosed to current authorized contractors and vendors to accomplish a function related to this system of records and to credit card processors, banks, and other financial institutions to process payments. A complete list and explanation of applicable Routine Uses are accessible at https://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-Component-Notices/NavyUSMC-Article-List/.
DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; however, failure to provide the requested information may result in an ineligibility to access Marine Corps Lodging services.